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Russell Rescue

The majority of the dogs that end up in the Russell Rescue are unwanted simply for being Jack Russells by nature and behavior. Owners often find that they were unprepared for the activity level and attention required for this sometimes feisty terrier; and did not understand the nature of the breed, and their instinctive desire to hunt. Owners are often gone more than 14 hrs. a day, and therefore unable to provide the time, attention, and level of activity necessary to this active little dog.

Sometimes its just a matter of a puppy not being totally perfect. Like some little pups, their crime? Not having perfect ears. How silly is that; they have beautiful dispositions and are in the house and very lovable. Please think about providing a forever home for these puppies.

Consider a Rescue dog before a puppy... give a Jack Russell Terrier a second chance at a good terrier life! 


Some of these numbers are a good number of years old, so let me know if anyone is not active.

Marina     Eastern NC  919-284-1117
Barbara   Atlanta, GA 770-948-6306
Sharon    Western NC 336-983-6080

JRTCA National Russell Rescue:

Jennifer Carr - Rhode Is. (401) 737-1041 
Conni Martin - Washington (206) 885-9858

History of the JRT | Breed Standards | Registries & Clubs | JRT Trials & Meets | Russell Rescue